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Council and Meetings

Members of Council regularly meet at Council and Committee meetings to discuss issues such as policies, By-laws, the municipal budget, and major projects to be undertaken by staff. Council meetings begin at 5 p.m. unless indicated otherwise.  See the website calendar for upcoming meetings and agendas.

The proceedings at the meetings of Council and Committees along with details about public involvement with the Council are part of the Procedural By-law.

Direct contact details for all members of Council are below. You can also make a service request or report a concern using our online form which will put you into contact with municipal staff who will assist you.

Council Vacancy

On September 11, 2024, the Council of the Municipality of Kincardine declared the office of Councillor Doug Kennedy, Councillor Ward 1 vacant due to his passing.

Council chose to fill the vacancy by appointing an eligible elector.

Municipal Calendar

Get involved with local government

There are a number of ways that you can get involved with your local government or invite Council to be a part of your event or special occasion.

View a meeting

You may attend or participate in any of these meetings (with the exception of closed meetings.) View our Municipal Calendar for the meeting schedule. If Council chooses to hold any special meetings, you'll find them there, too.

Council meetings are in a hybrid format (in-person and electronic) and are streamed on our YouTube channel.

You can send correspondence to the Council or its Committees by e-mail via the Clerk or by postal mail to:

The Municipality of Kincardine
c/o Clerk
1475 Concession 5, R.R. #5
Kincardine, Ontario
N2Z 2X6

Correspondence relating to agenda items, etc. will be included on the appropriate agenda.

Please remember, that any personal information you include in your correspondence becomes part of the public records. Your name will be published with the correspondence on the agenda, but your contact information will be removed prior to posting.

Public delegations may address their concerns to either the Committee responsible for a particular issue or to the municipal Council. 

Register using the Delegation Request Form no later than 12:00 p.m. on the Wednesday prior to the meeting. 

Please note that delegations:

  • are limited to a maximum of 5 minutes.
  • may be asked questions by Council, but they will not debate on your presentation.
  • may have your presentation referred to a Committee or staff.

Public petitions requesting the Municipality to take action on a specific issue may be submitted to Council as long as they meet the guidelines in the Petitions Policy GG.3.13.

The Petitions Policy should be reviewed before starting a petition as it includes guidelines and a printable/fillable form you can use.

The Municipality of Kincardine does not accept petitions as they are not in compliance with our Petitions Policy.

If you see something that needs doing or would like to report a concern in the Municipality of Kincardine, you can make a service request

Filling out one of these forms will put you into contact with the appropriate members of our staff who will be able to assist you.

This form does not have an option for submission to our members of Council. To connect with a member of Council, please see their contact information listed on this webpage below.

The Council of the Municipality of Kincardine

Mayor and Council

The Council of the Municipality of Kincardine has nine members representing the public. See the Ward Map to find out which members of Council represent you specifically.


Kenneth Craig

E-mail Mayor Craig

519-396-3468 ext. 7181

Deputy Mayor

Andrea Clarke

E-mail Deputy Mayor Clarke

519-396-3468 ext. 7182 


Rory Cavanagh

E-mail Councillor Cavanagh

519-396-3468 ext. 7185


Mike Hinchberger

E-mail Councillor Hinchberger

 519-396-3468 ext. 7188


Jennifer Prenger

E-mail Councillor Prenger

519-396-3468 ext. 7186

Ward 1 Councillor

Beth Blackwell

E-mail Councillor Blackwell

519-396-3468 ext. 7189

Ward 2 Councillor

Bill Stewart

E-mail Councillor Stewart

519-396-3468 ext. 7183

Ward 3 Councillor

Amanda Steinhoff-Gray

E-mail Councillor Steinhoff-Gray

519-396-3468 ext. 7187

The Council of the Municipality of Kincardine has adopted the Code of Conduct for Members of Council, Local Boards and Committee Members.

This Code is Council’s commitment to achieving the highest standards of conduct which are essential to maintaining and ensuring public trust and confidence in the Municipality’s decision-making and operations.

Council and Local Board members shall act in an accountable and responsible manner, with integrity and fairness in the decision-making process.

The Municipality has appointed Principles Integrity as Integrity Commissioner.  

Role of the Integrity Commissioner

The role of the Integrity Commissioner is to support members of Council (and members of the Municipality’s Local Boards) to perform their functions in accordance with the Code of Conduct and other rules or policies governing their ethical behaviour.

The Integrity Commissioner also receives complaints about a member’s ethical compliance and may conduct a formal investigation if the matter cannot be resolved informally.

How to contact the Integrity Commissioner

If you have concerns regarding the behaviour of a member of Council or a member of a Local Board that you believe is in conflict with the Code of Conduct, or the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, you can file a written complaint with the Integrity Commissioner.

Before contacting the Integrity Commissioner please consult the following as applicable:

Please note that the Integrity Commissioner does not have jurisdiction over the decisions of Council, or with respect to operational (staff) matters of the Municipality. 

The Integrity Commissioner can be reached at:

Principles Integrity
Integrity Commissioner for the Municipality of Kincardine
Phone: 647-259-8697

The Municipal Conflict of Interest Act requires members of Council to declare any direct or indirect pecuniary interest in relation to a matter under consideration.

A pecuniary interest relating to a matter is one where there is a reasonable likelihood or expectation of financial loss or gain by the Council member or related persons as defined in the Act.

It is the responsibility of all members of Council, Committees, or Local Boards to declare a pecuniary interest. They must do so in writing by using a Declaration of Pecuniary Interest Form and giving it to the Clerk at the meeting or as soon as possible after the meeting during which they verbally disclosed an interest. There is a dedicated time for declarations set on the agenda for every meeting.

The Municipal Conflict of Interest Act requires that every municipality establish and maintain a registry of all declarations made by members at a Council, Committee or Board meeting.

The Province of Ontario, through Section 284 of the Municipal Act, requires the Treasurer of the Municipality of Kincardine to file a statement of the total remuneration and expenses paid in the previous year to Councillors and persons appointed by Council to local boards, committees or any other body, by March 31st.

These yearly reports are available below:

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