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Please contact the Building and Planning Department with any development proposals so we can identify the requirements for your development.

The Municipality works with developers on subdivision plans that conform to our Official Plan and Zoning By-laws. The County of Bruce is the approval authority for Plans of Subdivision and Condominium Descriptions. Upon approval a subdivision agreement will be entered with the Municipality. The subdivision agreement sets out requirements such as infrastructure, monetary contributes, parkland etc.

Subdivision Agreement Process

Step 1: Pre-consultation

Developers consult with Municipal and County staff before plans are submitted.

Step 2: Submission of application

Applicant submits a completed development application form. Application must include supporting documentation, application fee, and review deposit.

Step 3: Consideration by Municipality

County and Municipal staff provide feedback and suggested changes to the plan and drawings. Staff will provide direction on further required documentation.

Step 4: Preparation of detailed drawings

Applicant submits detailed approved drawings and other supporting documentation as outline by staff comments. This step is repeated until drawings and supporting documents are satisfactory to the municipality.

Step 5: Subdivision Agreement

Subdivision agreement is drafted by the Building and Planning Department when drawings satisfactory to the municipality are received.

Step 6: Execution of Agreement

A final subdivision agreement is sent to the owner for execution. Once the signed agreement is returned to the municipality along with any required securities as outlined in the agreement the agreement is put on the council agenda for approval.

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